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How CJH Solicitors can help


Arrested? Asked to attend a police station on a voluntary basis? You are entitled to have your rights protected through legal representation and the government will pay, automatically, for the services of CJH Solicitors. Make sure the police are told you want us to represent you as soon as they speak to you.


Legal representation while an offence is being investigated is not just about whether it is in your best interests to answer questions or exercise the right not to do so. We make sure the police do not detain you longer than necessary and perform their duties properly by investigating any aspect of the case that suggests you have done nothing wrong.


These days, many people remain under investigation long after they have left the police station. CJH Solicitors will keep in contact with the investigating officers and request regular updates.


Agencies other than the police have investigatory powers. Again, we are able to protect your interests. Legal Aid may be available if you are within the financial limits set by the government for this type of advice and assistance. Should it be neecessary to instruct CJH Solicitors on a private basis our rates are very competitive.


If you believe you may need assistance in relation to a criminal investigation why not contact us by completing the form on our Get in Touch page? We will get back to you as soon as possible.


All prosecutions start in the magistrates' court. Most finish there. Some will be allocated to the Crown Court, either because they have to be dealt with by a judge and jury (the most serious offences) or because the magistrates' court decides matters are too serious to be finalised there. On occasions clients are advised it is in their best interests to elect to have a trial heard by a judge and jury in the Crown Court.


Whichever court hears your case, CJH Solicitors has an experienced team of lawyers and support staff dedicated to achieving the best outcome for you. No matter what the allegation is, our attention to detail is unequalled. The preparation we undertake is thorough and the advice we give is detailed, straight-talking and to the point. When it comes to an appearance in court you will have the benefit of representation from skilled, experienced advocates.


At the start of court proceedings we know you will be worried about how much representation could cost. CJH Solicitors will help you assess whether an application for public funding (Legal Aid) is an option. If Legal Aid is not available our private rates are very competitive and, whenever possible, we will agree a fixed fee with you.


Over a number of years CJH Solicitors have built an unrivalled level of experience concerning football related cases. We were instrumental in the decision handed down in the leading case on when it is, and is not, appopriate for courts to impose the severe personal restrictions required by a football banning order (Gough).


The police have power to seek a football banning order in two sets of circumstances. Firstly, an application for an order may be made when a person is guilty of a football related offence. Secondly, a so called 'civil' application may be made even though no offence has been committed. CJH Solicitors can assist in either situation.


Whether an application for a football banning order flows from criminal proceedings or it is a civil case, CJH Solicitors will assist with determining whether public funding for advice and representation (Legal Aid) may be applied for. If Legal Aid is not available our private rates are very competitive and whenever appropriate we will agree a fixed fee with you.


If you have been made the subject of a football banning order in the past it may be possible to apply to the court for its early termination. Contact us and we will advise whether an application may be made.


Your driving licence is important to you. At CJH Solicitors we understand that and will do everything possible to keep you on the road. Motoring law is complicated but you can be certain we have the specialist skills and experience to ensure no stone is left unturned on your behalf.

Talk to us about funding for advice and representation. Despite the complexity of the law, in all but the most serious motoring cases it is not deemed to be 'in the interests of justice' for Legal Aid to be granted. However, our private rates are very competitive and whenever possible we will help you to budget by agreeing a fixed fee. Please click on the link below for more information about the fees we charge in relation to this area.


You have been convicted and received a penalty. You are not happy with either or both. CJH Solicitors can advise you about the prospects for success should you commence an appeal.


From the magistrates' court an appeal will be to the Crown Court. From the Crown Court this will be to the Court of Appeal. In either instance strict time limits apply so do not delay getting in touch with us.


If you have appealed your case and the appeal has not been successful, you may be able to have it looked at again by the Criminal Cases Review Commission. CJH Solicitors will be able to assist in deciding whether to send papers to the Commission and prepare the case for a review.

Need assistance from CJH Solicitors? Get in touch today.

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Right to a fair trial

Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law.

Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the following minimum rights:

  1. to be informed promptly, in a language which he understands and in detail, of the nature and cause of the accusation against him;

  2. to have adequate time and the facilities for the preparation of his defence;

  3. to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing or, if he has not sufficient means to pay for legal assistance, to be given it free when the interests of justice so require;

  4. to examine or have examined witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him;

  5. to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court.


From Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights

The Convention was signed in 1950 and ratified by Parliament the following year. The UK remains a signatory to the Convention.

Right to fair trial
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